Adult Forums are presented on Sunday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 AM in the Library. Coffee and tea are available. Teenagers are welcome to attend. Childcare will be provided in the Nursery for children.
February 13, 20: The Rev. Canon James Shoucair presents �The Sermon on the Mount�
February 27: John Schaeffer presents a discussion on Thomas Cahill�s �How the Irish Saved Civilization.�
March 6, 13: Mark Collins presents �Literature & Metaphor in Scripture.�
March 20, 27: Palm Sunday & Easter No Adult Forums
April 3, 10: To Be Announced
April 17, 24: The Rev. Christine McIlvain - Topic To Be Announced
May 1: Eric O�Brien presents a forum on Serving.
May 8: To Be Announced