In 1959, a Building and Planning Committee was organized under the chairmanship of Mr. Ralph Frederick to begin the formulation of plans for our present church building.
Their first task was to interview architects. This they did for several months and on December 14, 1959 selected Mr. Thomas C. Pratt. Mr. Pratt started work on the preliminary plans which were presented to the congregation in January, 1961 and accepted. It was the original intent to build the church complex in the form of a cross. To conform to this intent, with the placement of the first building as it was constructed, would have forced the church proper, as a cross arm, to have an extremely high elevation at the entrance. Hence, the only solution was to build the complex in the form of a flattened �Z� and reject the cross concept. The first building has been built of stone; for conformity and beauty, it was necessary to build the new building of stone. However, the cost of stone had increased and the building committee was forced to substitute brick for stone on the back of the church.
In conjunction with this step our Finance Committee was reorganized under the general chairmanship of Mr. J. Hampton Johnston to consider ways and means of financing the new building. After much discussion and thorough deliberation, it was considered necessary to seek some expert help for the successful conducting of the campaign. Mr. Edward Sullivan, Publicity Director for the Council of Churches and a man with a vast experience in fundraising was invited to assist us in our canvass. He consented to do so and, under his expert guidance, we conducted a satisfactory canvass and realized, in pledges, the sum of $275,404 to be paid over a period of three years.
The success of the canvass was due not alone to expert planning but to the devoted leadership of Mr. Russell C. Gourley, General Chairman and Mr. Robert E. C. Henry, Canvass Chairman and all the men of the congregation who assisted them, as well as to the interest, enthusiasm and devoted concern and sacrifice on the part of every member of our congregation. There was a period of two or three years when each family was given $10 and was expected to give it back with its �earnings.� For instance, one of the years, Betty Dobson Hunt did a raffle for a Turkey and another she did portraits of people in the church to make her seed money grow.
The women of the parish also gave their input as to their desires in a new building. They insisted that a large kitchen be planned for the new undercroft. They also had a room designated as the �Women�s Lounge.� With the leadership of Betty Schomaker and Betty Taylor, this room became the Library during the 1970s.
On Sunday, December 22, 1962 at the 11:00 AM Service, ground was broken for the new church. The church was dedicated by Bishop Austin Pardue a year later - December 23, 1963 at 4:00 PM. The congregation consisted of members, their friends, members of the old church, local clergy and Diocesan clergy. It was a crowd that overflowed into the Narthex.
And so it was that a group of people built not one, but two churches and a rectory in 10 year�s time! Their dedication and sacrifices should not be forgotten as we look around us today.
The rear of the current worship space in January 1964 - just after completion. To the right you can see the office corridor and the addition of the stairwell to access the older building which became the Education Building.