Bible Essentials January Bible Challenge 2005
Readings for the month of January:
New Testament: Matthew chapter 1-20; Old Testament: Genesis 1-50 and Exodus 1-20.
For a manageable reading breakdown, please follow the calendar at the bottom of the page.
Who wrote the Bible?
As we begin our yearlong study of the Bible we first need to look at how the Bible was written. According to Paul�s second Letter to Timothy:
All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - II Timothy 3:16-17
So what exactly does �God-breathed� mean? �God-breathed� is the translation of the Greek word theopneustos, and from the Latin word inspiratio comes our English word inspire. �God-breathed� or inspiration is the process by which God�s words came to be written down by human authors.
The inspired words from Scripture are not the product of men�s thoughts but are ultimately God�s word. The human writers-Moses, Isaiah, or Paul to name a few-chose the words and style to communicate the message, but it was the Spirit of God that inspired them. God is the primary author of both the Old and the New Testaments.
What is a �Testament�?
Testament means �covenant�. A covenant is a word that refers to a special and permanent bond or yoke between two parties. A biblical covenant is initiated by God and refers to a special relationship he establishes with the people that he calls his own.
In a biblical covenant, God makes clear what his promise is and what is expected in return. The covenant usually includes a ceremony in which both parties are bound together by oath or blood sacrifice. A sign accompanies the covenant as a perpetual reminder to the parties. For example, the rainbow is a sign of the covenant God made with man (and Noah) that he would never flood the earth again.
The Old Testament (Covenant) is a progression of a number of covenants that God initiated with His people: the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants.
The New Testament (Covenant) is the new relationship with God, which was made possible with the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
Here is a quick overview of the Old and New Testament. A more detailed explanation of specific covenants, books and passages will be addressed as we progress through our weekly readings.
The Old Testament
- Written in Hebrew. Daniel and Ezra were written in Aramaic.
- Written over a long period of time and covers history from the creation to the first century AD.
- Collection of 39 books and is divided into three divisions:
- Torah-also sometimes called the Law of Moses or the Pentateuch. �Torah� means �instruction� and contains the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
- Prophets-Former (Joshua through Kings) and Latter (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve minor prophets).
- Writings-includes the remaining books divided into three sub-sections:
- a. Psalms, Proverbs, Job
- b. The Five Scrolls: Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther
- c. Daniel*, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles
- *In the English Bible, Daniel is considered one of the prophets.
The New Testament
- Written in Greek by several �inspired� authors between 50 and 100 AD.
- Four narrative accounts, called �Gospels� are found at the front of the New Testament. �Gospel� means �good news� and they refer to the message of salvation. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are each a historical proclamation about Jesus Christ, his teachings, deeds, crucifixion and resurrection.
- Comprised of 27 books. Contents can be summarized as follows:
- Historical-Gospels, Acts
- Epistolary (Letters)-Paul�s Epistles, General Epistles
- Apocalyptic-Revelation
Readings throughout the Bible Challenge year will be a combination of Old and New Testament passages. Many Christians enjoy reading the New Testament but some find sections of the Old Testament to be tedious. Some readers may ask, �What is so important about the Old Testament, all those monotonous laws in Leviticus, and God�s revelation to Israel, for those who believe in Jesus Christ?�
The Old Testament will reveal a progression of covenants that will divulge the way God goes about redeeming a people to Him. As you read more, you will see an accumulation of revelation and discover that all the events are tied together in one master plan-God�s plan of salvation for His people.
The New is in the Old concealed; The Old is in the New revealed. -Augustine
Matthew 1
Genesis 1, 2, 3
Matthew 2
Genesis 4, 5, 6
Matthew 3
Genesis 7, 8, 9
Matthew 4
Genesis 10, 11, 12
Matthew 5:1-26
Genesis 13, 14, 15
Matthew 5-27-48
Genesis 16, 17
Matthew 6:1-18
Genesis 18, 19
Matthew 6:19-34
Genesis 20, 21, 22
Matthew 7
Genesis 23, 24
Matthew 8:1-17
Genesis 25, 26
Matthew 8:18-34
Genesis 27, 28
Matthew 9:1-17
Genesis 29, 30
Matthew 9:18-38
Genesis 31, 32
Matthew 10:1-20
Genesis 33, 34, 35
Matthew 10:21-42
Genesis 36, 37, 38
Matthew 11
Genesis 39, 40
Matthew 12:1-23
Genesis 41, 42
Matthew 12:24-50
Genesis 43, 44, 45
Matthew 13:1-30
Genesis 46, 47, 48
Matthew 13:31-58
Genesis 49, 50
Matthew 14:1-21
Exodus 1, 2, 3
Matthew 14:22-36
Exodus 4, 5, 6
Matthew 15:1-20
Exodus 7, 8
Matthew 15:21-39
Exodus 9, 10, 11
Matthew 16
Exodus 12, 13
Matthew 17
Exodus 14, 15
Matthew 18:1-20
Exodus 16, 17, 18
Matthew 18:21-35
Exodus 19, 20
Matthew 19
Exodus 21, 22
Matthew 20:1-16
Exodus 23, 24
Matthew 20: 17-34
Exodus 25, 26