The Rev. Canon James D. Shoucair, Rector
Hi! My name is Jim Shoucair and I am the Rector of this parish. In case you�re wondering, the term �Rector� is just fancy �Episcopalspeak� for Senior Pastor, Minister or Priest. I hope you like what you see on this website. Becoming involved in a church can be a daunting thing, especially if it�s been a while since you attended... or if you�ve never darkened the doorstep of one before and you are wondering what strange things go on inside!
Now, on to one of my favorite subjects: Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in London, England, I have lived in the United States about 30 years. In the early 1980s, I was fortunate enough to marry a Pittsburgher who introduced me to the Western Pennsylvania area, where we settled and raised a family. I have not always been a priest. For sixteen years I was a practicing lawyer. Consequently, I bring to the ministry a personal knowledge of the struggles faced by Christians in the secular workplace. You can think of me as a truly repentant lawyer!
I hold the firm conviction that the human soul yearns for God. We search the world in vain to find fulfillment and happiness, but it is only through knowledge and love of Jesus Christ that we find abundant life. In keeping with the ethos of the Episcopal Church, I am committed to the idea that this parish should constitute a safe, non-judgmental place in which to explore your your faith. That doesn�t mean you won�t be challenged by what you learn. It means that you will have the freedom to move at your own pace. If you would like to contact me directly, I would love to hear from you at [email protected].
May God bless you and keep you! The Rev. Canon James D. Shoucair
The Rev. Richard A. Pollard, Assistant Rector
Welcome! My name is Dick Pollard, and I am Assistant Rector of the parish. The culture in which we find ourselves is long on anxiety and turmoil and short on peace and calm. Only in Jesus Christ can we find the true peace and contentment which we seek. This parish is a place of nourishment, and the good people of this parish will welcome you.
Previously I was Priest-in-Charge at the Church of the Advent in Brookline, and I also serve as Pastoral Assistant at St. Paul�s Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon. Like our Rector, Canon Jim Shoucair, I have a legal background, and I continue to be affiliated with the firm of Pietragallo, Bosick and Gordon.
We would love to explore the ways we can walk together with you, and we look forward to seeing you. I can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].
The Rev. Christine McIlvain, Deacon
Hi. I am Christine McIlvain and I serve as one of the Deacons at Christ Church. I was born and raised in Hopewell Township in Beaver County. I am a graduate of Hopewell High School, Clarion University and the A.C.T.S. program of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. The A.C.T.S. program is where I received most of my training to be a Deacon. For those of you with questions about what a deacon does, the Book of Common Prayer defines the ministry of a deacon with these words, �The ministry of a deacon is to represent Christ and His Church, particularly as a servant of those in need; and to assist bishops and priests in the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments.�
Before becoming a deacon, I was a Librarian at Hopewell High School and retired from that position in 2004. I was ordained a deacon in December of 1998 and served from 1998-2003 at Prince of Peace Episcopal Church in Hopewell. I joined the staff at Christ Church on March 9, 2003.
As well as taking part in the Eucharist each Sunday, I also lead and train our Stephen Ministry, lead the Women�s Discipleship Class, help with Adult Forum and Children�s Chapel.
I have a strong belief that God calls all of us to ministry in and outside of the Church but sometimes it takes us a while to hear the call. I love serving the Lord and I am often surprised with the things He calls me to do, but it is always a joy and always fulfilling. I thank Him for His call on my life.
The Rev. Wade Lawrence, Deacon
Hi! I am Wade Lawrence and I serve as one of your Vocational Deacons. We are called �vocational� if we work in a secular career and are non-stipendiary clergy. I grew up a Methodist and joined the Episcopal Church in 1966 when my wife and I were still dating. She was Roman Catholic and we thought the Episcopal Church appealed to both of our faiths.
I was serving in the Army in Germany in 1970 where I men an Episcopal Chaplain who invited me to be his assistant. I worked for three chaplains and I began to sense a call to the ministry. We lived along with our son in Berlin. When we returned home to Detroit my wife supported us and I returned to college. I also began seminary classes and I was ordained in 1984. I have served seven parishes in Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.
My wife and I have three children and five grandchildren. I worked for thirty years in industrial sales and I am now working as a financial advisor.
I have enjoyed my years of service here at Christ Church while serving liturgically, visiting the sick, and supporting our Rector and staff. I always receive more from the people of Christ Church than I give. I am happy to serve Christ in this parish.