The Gospel of Matthew
- Written by Matthew Levi, a Roman tax collector
- Theme: the Messiah has come. Begins with the declaration about the Jesus Christ, Son of David.
- Draws heavily upon OT prophecies to demonstrate that Jesus is the Promised One.
- To show Jews that Jesus was their Messiah
- Wanted to connect events of Christ�s life to the predictions of the Messiah in the OT.
Overview of Matthew
- The preparation of the King-
- Matthew traces Jesus� descent from Abraham and David
- Jesus undergoes baptism by John the Baptist
- Proves moral perfection by withstanding temptations in the wilderness.
- Jesus� ministry in Galilee-
- Jesus� return to Galilee after baptism and temptation
- His selection of disciples
- Sermon on the Mount
- Authority of Jesus is demonstrated by ten miracles
- He sends his disciples into the cities and villages of Israel to extend his message to the entire nation.
- His message to the nation will be rejected and this leads him to cloak his teaching in parables that he interprets to the disciples.
- 3. Jesus� ministry in Judea and Jerusalem
- Jesus enters Judea and Jerusalem and opposition becomes intense.
- After confrontations with religious leaders he gives his famous discourse on the end of times known as the Olivet Discourse (chaps. 24-25).
- -time between his first and second coming
- -instruction to disciples of the Great Tribulation
- -teaches that he will return physically and visibly
- -need to live with watchfulness and readiness
- 4. Jesus� sufferings and resurrection
- Judas� betrayal
- The trial before the Sanhedrin and Pilate
- The crucifixion
- Jesus appears to the women who come to his tomb
- He reveals himself to his disciples and gives them the Great Commission
- -go to all nations to make disciples, baptize and teach the gospel.