The 146th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh was held at Christ Church on November 4 & 5, 2011. These are some pictures from this important event. In between the business session and the dinner on Friday, Christ Church offered its traditional Choral Evensong service. Before the Saturday business session, we gathered for the Holy Eucharist. The next scheduled Convention will be held on April 21, 2012 at Trinity Cathedral where delegates and clergy will gather to elect the next Bishop of the Diocese. Click on each picture for larger version.
- Gathering for the first business session.
- The Rev. Jim Simons
- The “Blue Shirts” (The Youth Group and their families) served as pages and “bathroom pointers” throughout the convention.
- The Bishop addresses the delegates, observers and guests.
- Modern media - underneath a rolling video of parish addresses, an interactive display of photos from diocesan events were made available on touch screen.
- Our own David Dix speaks about the 75th Anniversary of Sheldon Calvary Camp.
- Andy Muhl demonstrates the interactive touch screen.
- Past acolytes Ed and Bob served for the Evensong service.
- The all-male Chamber Choir chants as the candles are lighted.
- Dinner was served by candlelight Friday night.
- Rich Creehan served as Verger for the Saturday morning Eucharist.
- The bishop preaches.
- The Diocesan Choir made up of voices from various parishes.
- Bishop Price and his guest, Bishop Kurt Kusserow of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod
- The Bishop shows them who’s King as he sports a crown and the “funny bone” given to him the previous evening by “Sister” Kim Richards who performed a custom “Late Night Catechism” for all in attendance.